Key Advocacy Areas and Projects for FY 24-25
ACHSA will continue to engage in advocacy to address systemic programmatic and implementation issues identified by the membership during the fiscal year.
Current key advocacy areas and projects for each ACHSA Committee are highlighted below.
FFA Committee
Advocate for implementation of recommendations related to County future use of FFAs and prepare FFAs for shifts in County vision.
Coordinate and partner with California Alliance on fiscal advocacy for FFAs, including immediate funding needs and the CDSS proposed permanent foster care rates structure.
Based on direction from ACHSA FFAs, address disparities in resource parent expectations and resources between County non-relative caregivers and FFA caregivers.
Explore and advocate for diversification options for FFAs including relative caregiver supports.
Explore feasibility and support member FFAs to serve older youth to adapt to system shift.
Continue to participate in and support Foster Together Network efforts to address disproportionality through enhanced training, resources, and reunification supports.
Advocate for reasonable operationalization of contract requirements.
Address barriers to care for children through improving partnership with and support from CSWs.
Residential Committee
Advocate for implementation of recommendations related to County future use of STRTPs and prepare STRTPs for shifts in County vision.
Coordinate and partner with California Alliance on fiscal advocacy for STRTPs, including immediate funding needs and the CDSS proposed permanent foster care rates structure.
Based on direction from ACHSA STRTPs, collaborate with the County to better care for youth presenting at the highest level of need who are not properly and safely served in the current system.
Continue to participate in and support Foster Together Network efforts to address disproportionality through enhanced training, resources, and reunification supports.
TAY Subcommittee
Continue to advocate for THP-Plus rate increase to support program sustainability.
Explore ways to create greater transitional housing capacity for TAY in L.A. County.
Advocate for reasonable operationalization of program expectations.
Prevention Committee
Explore and increase member awareness of opportunities in prevention and assess the prevention landscape of L.A. County.
Continue to collaborate with the County to connect members to FFPSA and MSI related information and opportunities.
Continue to increase County awareness of the prevention provider network readiness and advocate for sustainability of prevention programs in L.A. County.
Mental Health Policy Committees
Collaborate with DMH to examine and address barriers to access to care, through implementation of well-supported and flexible policies and processes.
Examine and address alignment of local and state initiatives, processes, and expectations to ensure coordination across systems.
Continue advocacy related to the implementation of CalAIM in L.A. County.
Provide technical assistance, facilitate peer support opportunities, and develop shared resources related to CalAIM implementation.
Analyze impact of Prop 1 on L.A. County and engage in advocacy to ensure access to care across system levels and populations, including the promotion of housing stability through whole-person supportive services.
Continue conversations with DMH and stakeholders regarding greater support and clarity related to the future of intensive children's mental health services.
Work with DMH to understand the impact of SB 43 and steps needed to implement in L.A. County.
Continue to consult and coordinate with CAADPE to address SUD issues raised by members.
Participate in planning for behavioral health administrative integration in L.A. County, working in collaboration with the County Departments.
Streamline policies and protocols related to school-based mental health services with LAUSD.
Create opportunities for providers to explore contracting with MCPs and share information regarding ECM and CS resources.
Participate in County planning efforts focused on ECM for the child welfare population of focus.
Mental Health Contractual-Administrative Committee
Provide technical assistance, facilitate peer support opportunities, and develop shared resources related to CalAIM payment reform implementation.
Advocate for contract growth in alignment with CalAIM rates to ensure continued access to care for individuals and communities
Maintain ongoing collaboration with DMH regarding payment reform implementation and necessary adjustments to ensure access to care across the system, continued provision of field-based services, and workforce recruitment and retention.